Course overview

In the first 10 weeks of the course, learners will go through five Modules (one module every two weeks), where they are expected to read the content and to perform some learning activities (tests, forum discussions, etc.). At the end of each Module learners will have to draft a Step of their project work, defining the different components of their project. The estimated needed time for this phase is 40 hours in total.

In the following two months, learners will focus on their Project Work, planning how they will transform their teaching practice by adopting open approaches. The project work will be defined through the ‘Steps’ that learners will design at the end of each module, and will represent the main outcome of the course for every learner, on which the achieved competencies will be evaluated. The estimated needed time for this phase is 40 hours in total.




Week 1 and 2


Module 1. Introducing Openness in Education

Main author: Fabio Nascimbeni, UNIR

Module 1 introduces the main concepts connected to Open Education, it presents some of the  reasons why educators should use open approaches in their teaching, and presents the history and state of the art of the Open Education movement.


Expert Webinar 

Activities Module 1

Project work (Step 1)

Week 3 and 4


Module 2. Open Licensing and Copyright

Main author: Eleonora Bassi, Politecnico di Torino

Module 2 introduces the debate about open licences within education, presenting the most common open licences such as Creative Commons. Further, it introduces concepts such as Open Access to research, Open Data, and Open Science.


Expert Webinar

Activities Module 2

Project work (Step 2)

Week 5 and 6


Module 3. Opening up education through OER and MOOCs 

Main author: Daniel Villar-Onrubia, Coventry University

Module 3 goes in depth on Open Educational Resources, describing what an OER is and is not, providing examples of OER, and explaining how to search for open content. Further, the module focuses on MOOCs by presenting their history and typologies.


Expert Webinar 

Activities Module 3

Project work (Step 3)

Week 7 and 8


Module 4. Localising OER and MOOCs 

Main author: Isidro Maya Jariego, Universidad de Sevilla

Module 4 addresses the importance of intercultural communication in Open Education, focussing on personal learning environments and diversity in open learning networks and discussing how to adapt existing OER and MOOCs to a different linguistic and cultural context.


Expert Webinar 

Activities Module 4

Project work (Step 4)

Week 9 and 10


Module 5. Open Educational Practices

Main author: Osama Mimi, Birzeit University

Module 5 explains how to open up teaching practices and how to experiment with Open and Networked teaching, presenting success stories of Open Educational Practices. Also, it provides an intro to Open Assessment and Open Badges.


Expert Webinar

Activities Module 5

Project work (Step 5)

Week 11 to 18


Project Works  

During this period, learners will work on a/n (individual or group) project, aiming at planning how they will transform their teaching practice by adopting open approaches. The project work will be defined through the ‘Steps’ that learners will design at the end of each module, and will be deployed during this phase.


Project Works space